Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rachael Owens

In my opinion, there is no better combination in the world of music than someone who cannot only sing, but who is the whole package. One artist who I have come across who really personifies the whole package is Rachael Owens. Rachael and I connected via Twitter and I will admit, when I first saw the follow request, I thought it was simply one of the random people who tend to follow me, want me to listen to their music and unfollow me as soon as I say it sucks. (Ok...I have never told anyone that, but I have certainly thought it in my head and I definitely will tell someone who just followed me if I love or dislike their tunes.) However, from the first time I heard Rachael Owens, I knew I was hearing something special.

From the EP

There are certain things that are impressive to me when it comes to a music artist. The ability to sing is, of course extremely impressive, but when you add to that the ability to write their own songs, play their own instruments and look pretty amazing while doing it, you really are the whole package as an artist and this is exactly where Rachael Owens fits into the world of music.

The first song I listened to (and STILL my favorite) is "Take a Chance on Me". The studio version is really great but I definitely like the rawness of an artist and their guitar so I pretty much fell in love with this version:

As soon as I heard this song, I was on board the Rachael Owens train. I bought her EP and recommend it highly. (Buy it here) There are four different songs on this EP including the studio version of "Take a Chance on Me". All four of these songs have a certain something that make my foot tap and more importantly, make me want to sing along with them.

We have "Everything is Alright" which has a really awesome acoustic guitar intro. The best way I can really describe the sound of this song is "chill". The lyrics are exceptionally wonderful as well. I can certainly relate them which is important in songwriting. Though this song is "chill", as I like to say, it has a very nice positive spin that can certainly pick you up. There is also a great acoustic version of this on YouTube.

"Take a Chance on Me" is the second song on the album and it is followed by "Dear Friend of Mine". I have always considered this song to be more of a "smooth sound" and honestly, reminds me of a summer's day for some reason.

The fourth song on the EP is "How to Forget". This is the tragic love song on the album. It is emotional, raw, and something that all of us can relate to. We all want to forget and need to forgive and that is what this song means to me. It is a gorgeous song with a certain sadness that comes through though. There is an anger that emanates as well which is refreshing because that is the catalyst of how many of us are able to move on..

The thing I really like about Racheal's songs is that they are not the typical pop songs that you hear on the radio. They have feeling and soul to them which personally, I love. They are a bit jazzy as well which brings filling to these songs that could have been a typical pop offering. When the soul and jazz are added, the songs are really beefed up which gives them body and gusto.

Rachael Owens has other songs out there in addition to the ones on this EP. If you do YouTube, you can find her channel here: Rachael Owen's Channel

Several videos are up there which I would highly recommend. She also has a great song that I immediately fell in love with called "A New Day"   which slows it down a bit, as well as the newest offering as of this writing, "If Your Want Me There". (Kamil Rustam produced and co-wrote the song).

I was able to get in touch with Rachael and I have asked her three questions:

Me: What is your musical motivation?

Rachael: Well music motivates me in so many different ways.  I think the fact that music can be either comforting, uplifting, cathartic, a way to enlighten people about social issues or just make you want to dance is why it’s so inspiring to me and why I continue to write and record.

Me: If you could perform anywhere in the world with any other artist, where and who would it be?

Rachael: Wow! That is a tough one. I can think of a handful of artists that I would absolutely LOVE to perform with!! The one band that I grew up totally obsessing about was U2. So to perform with them anywhere, even to jam with them would be amazing! 

Me: Turn on your iPod/MP3 Player/Computer/8 Track player.  What song is playing?

Rachael: Right now it would probably be “Somebody that I used to Know” by Gotye 
Huge "Thank You" to Rachael for answering my questions. Check her out, listen to her music and let me know who you want to hear from!

Follow Rachael Owens on Twitter here: Rachael Owens Twitter Feed
Follow Rachael Owens on Facebook here: Rachael Owens Facebook
Follow Rachael Owens on YouTube here: Rachael Owens YouTube
See Rachael Owens on the Web: Rachael Owens Official Website

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